Rat Control Services in Temecula, Fallbrook, Oceanside, and the Surrounding Areas
Rats, specifically the Norway rat and the Roof (or Black) rat, are common Southern California household pests. At Knockout, our technicians see rats in offices, apartment buildings, homes, open fields, and agricultural areas. Rats go to any place where food or water is easy to find. More than a disgusting nuisance, rats are harmful, destroying property and structures, contaminating food, and spreading parasites. As rats infest your home or office, they build nests in your insulation and damage electrical wiring, making the attic the most common area to find a rat infestation.
At about 16 inches long and up to 12 ounces, Norway rats and Roof rats can compress themselves to the size of a quarter and can enter your home through any small opening. Rats breed all year long, with a female rat giving birth to up to nine litters, each averaging 6-14 young each.
Rat infestations can be among the most dangerous rodent infestations and require immediate, professional rat removal services from rat control professionals like Knockout Pest Control.
Do I Need Rat Removal Services?
If you hear sounds in your attic and walls, especially at night, or if you start to see ½ inch to 1-inch-long fecal pellets (the average single rat produces 50-60 each day), you have a rat infestation and require immediate rat control services.
Because rats defecate in the same places they eat, rats leave droppings in kitchens, pantries, and anywhere you store or eat food. In addition to the damage to electrical wiring, insulation, and furniture, rat infestations can lead to respiratory illness, like Hantavirus.
The professionals at Knockout Pest Control rat control services eliminate your rat infestation and can help keep rats out of your home for good.
Because female rats do not roam around the house, glue boards and snap traps are insufficient for rat control. For rat removal services and rat control in your commercial facility or home, Knockout Pest Control technicians use both rat traps and rodent bait for rat removal and rat control. Our technicians use this proven technique for eliminating the primary source of the rat infestation, the female rat.
Rat Control & Removal Services
Rat control and rat removal services can take up to a month to complete, based on the severity of the infestation. Knockout Pest Control technicians arrive weekly (four visits in a month) for one month to monitor rat removal traps and bait.
As part of the rat removal service, our technicians follow up a few days after they set up rat traps. They remove the rats from the traps, re-bait, and reset the traps. Typically, Knockout Pest Control technicians spend 2-3 weeks on removal, then shift their focus to rat exclusion.
Keep Rats Out: Exclusion and Prevention Methods for Rat Control
After the rat trapping and removal stages, our technicians strategically place bait stations around the perimeter of your home or building. Baiting the border allows our technicians to monitor and control the rat population outside your home or office, helping to prevent further infestation on the inside. The most essential, yet often overlooked, step in ultimate rat control is rat exclusion. Exclusion eliminates the sources of entry for rodents like rats. At Knockout, we use the materials necessary to seal up entry points of your home or office.
Rat prevention via bait stations and exclusion are smart choices even for those who have not yet had a rat problem. When protecting your home or business, remember to include exclusion as part of any rat control plan.
Insulation Removal and Replacement: Rat Control Services
In severe rat infestation cases, it can become necessary to remove attic insulation because of excessive droppings, urine saturation, and nest material. To avoid lingering odors and the unsanitary environment created by the rat infestation, replacing the insulation is often necessary. Failing to replace the insulation creates an environment likely to attract more rodents. As a rat control company, Knockout Pest Control & Termite removes and disposes of contaminated insulation, cleans up all rat droppings, deodorizes and sanitizes, and replaces with new insulation.